Overview of GATHER1 and GATHER2 Studies: Part 2
Drs Lally and Khanani expand on key takeaways from the GATHER1 and GATHER2 studies.
Eliminating Medication Copayments for Low-income Older Adults at High Cardiovascular Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Dr Michos examines a controlled trial focusing on co-payment elimination and its effects on cardiovascular outcomes for low-income adults.
Opportunities for Innovation in GI Cancer Treatment Landscape
In his closing thoughts, Dr Marshall shares final takeaways from the 2023 ASCO GI Cancers Symposium.
Overview of GATHER1 and GATHER2 Studies: Part 1
The GATHER1 and GATHER2 studies are highlighted.
Overview of DERBY and OAKS Studies
Medical experts recap the DERBY and OAKS studies.
Examining Treatment Paradigms for Patients with Hypercholesterolemia
Hypercholesterolemia impact on cardiovascular outcomes is explored by a key opinion leader.
The SPOTLIGHT study results presented at the 2023 ASCO GI Cancers Symposium are explored by Dr Marshall.
Current Practice Standard for Patients with Pretreated Hypercholesterolemia
Dr Michos offers strategies to successfully reduce LDL levels in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Navigating GA Treatment Pathways
GA treatment options in various steps in FDA approval process are discussed by a panel of medical experts.
Health Care Resource Utilization in GA Treatment
Maria Lopes, MD, MS, highlights the utilization of health care resources to optimize GA treatment impact.
Utilizing RWE to Address Unmet Needs for CRC
Dr Marshall shares insights directed at the use of real-world evidence [RWE] and its impact on unmet needs in colorectal cancer [CRC] treatment.
Non-Statin Therapies for Patients at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Erin Michos, MD, MHS, opens a discussion surrounding the utilization of bempedoic acid for patients with intolerance to statin-based therapies.
Comorbidities Impacting Quality of Life for Patients with GA
Dr Haumschild leads a discussion surrounding comorbidities associated with geographic atrophy.
Key Risk Factors Associated with GA
David Lally, MD, highlights risk factors associated with geographic atrophy.
Trajectory of Treatment Landscape for Wet AMD and DME
In their closing thoughts, the expert panelists discuss the future of the disease state and treatment options, and how they expect provider, patient, and payer value perception to change in the future.
Payer Engagement With the Retina Community
The panelists discuss how payers can best engage with the retinal disease community on a provider and patient level.
Final Overview of MDR HIV Treatment Landscape
Panelists provide their closing thoughts on the disease state and treatment landscape of multidrug-resistant HIV.
Optimal Treatment of MDR HIV Impacting Population Health
Dr Lopes and Mr Driffin discuss cost considerations and utilization barriers inhibiting treatment for patients with multidrug-resistant HIV.
Cost of Care Implications for Treated Versus Non-Treated MDR HIV
Maria Lopes, MD, MS, and Mr Driffin explore total cost of care affected by various multidrug-resistant treatment regimens.
Real-World Evidence (RWE) Supporting Use of ctDNA
A medical expert discusses real-world analyses surrounding the use of ctDNA.
Disease Progression of Geographic Atrophy
Geographic atrophy disease progression is explored by a panel of medical experts.
Geographic Atrophy Overview
Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA, opens a discussion surrounding the disease landscape of geographic atrophy.
Evolution of Access to Treatment for Wet AMD/DME Therapies
Dr Sheth discusses the evolution of access to treatment for AMD/DME over the past few years and initiatives to expand treatment access.
Wet AMD Resource Utilization Impacted by Medication Duration of Action
Joseph Coney, MD, FASRS, FACS, discusses switching anti-VEGF agents in the treatment of wet AMD and what payers should consider when switching anti-VEGF therapies.
Medication Burden and Stigma Impacting Adherence Rates in Patients With MDR HIV
Daniel Driffin, BS, MPH, provides insights regarding factors influencing patient adherence to multidrug-resistant HIV treatment.
Payers and Clinicians Impacted by CD4 Recovery
Dr Sension underlines the value of CD4 recovery from payer and clinician perspectives.
Examining the Role of ctDNA
The effect of ctDNA in the GI cancer treatment landscape are illustrated by Dr Marshall.
Utilization Management Strategies in Treatment of Wet AMD and DME
Veeral Sheth, MD, MBA, FACS, Joseph Coney, MD, FASRS, FACS, and Caesar Luo, MD, FASRS, FACS discuss their experience with utilization management strategies.
Treatment Barriers Facing Patients With DME and Wet AMD
Caesar Luo, MD, FASRS, FACS discusses the biggest barriers for patients with wet AMD and DME to receiving optimal treatment and his strategies to overcome these barriers.
Considerations with Non-Adherence to Standard Background MDR HIV Therapy
Key opinion leaders highlight barriers to MDR HIV treatment adherence.