This analysis of paid claims from a physician hospital organization demonstrates that the Vermedx Diabetes Information System improves healthcare costs for adults with diabetes.
Nearby provider supply did not affect identification of usual sources of primary or dental care among new Medicaid enrollees. Strategies to improve access are needed.
The dependent coverage provision was associated with an increase in total and private expenditures and a decrease in out-of-pocket medication expenditures paid, especially among higher-income groups.
We found race and age disparities not only in who adopted patient portal technology but also in which features were accessed by those who were adopters.
Hospitals that used trained financial navigators were able to provide financial assistance for their patients with cancer, providing access to care that would otherwise be unaffordable.
Previous research overstated the generalizability of the Exenatide Study of Cardiovascular Event Lowering trial results by omitting the restriction on the percentage of patients without a prior cardiovascular event.
Findings indicate that patients using mail order pharmacies had significantly better adherence to antidiabetics, antihypertensives, and antihyperlipidemics than patients who used the retail dispensing channel.
A flexible population-based prescription opioid registry was established for addressing a broad range of critical public health questions relating to prescription opioid use.
Higher continuity of care was statistically significant and was associated with fewer ambulatory care–sensitive condition hospitalizations.
We assessed the impact of the MDVIP personalized preventive care model on hospital utilization and found the MDVIP members' rates were substantially lower than nonmembers'.
Instrumental variables regression analysis indicated that inpatient oral nutritional supplement use decreased length of stay, episode cost, and 30-day readmission probability.
Antibiotics are not required to achieve high patient satisfaction. Patient age, chronic conditions, and an established patient–provider relationship influence satisfaction with acute care.
Although patients who refuse post acute care services are relatively young, well educated, and healthy, they are twice as likely to have 30- and 60-day readmissions compared with acceptors of services.
Home healthcare transition from hospitals for diabetic Medicare home healthcare beneficiaries can be improved by identifying risk factors for 30-day readmissions due to ambulatory care—sensitive conditions.
Findings from a literature review indicate that overall costs of long-acting insulin analogues are not significantly different from those of intermediate-acting human insulin and oral antidiabetic agents.
A socioecological approach focused on patient care, education and resources for providers, and programs within cancer institutions will ensure that the risk of infertility, frequently associated with cancer treatment, will be addressed and routinely included as part of cancer care. This article discusses LIVESTRONG's efforts to achieve this goal.
Using data from the New York SCHIP program, this study showed that plan disenrollment was not significantly associated with managed care plan quality.