Implementation of payment reform, without a corresponding change to coverage, benefit, and other payment requirements, creates conflicting incentives that may nullify the intended aim of payment reform: to improve health outcomes, while saving costs.
More than 35% of Medicare beneficiaries receive care from
providers operating under some form of shared savings/risk type
of pay-for-performance incentive. Implementation of payment
reform without a corresponding change to coverage, benefit,
and other payment requirements, however, creates conflicting
incentives that may nullify the intended aim of payment reform:
to improve health outcomes, while saving costs. If related policies
do not evolve to align with payment reform, those entities
contracted to receive new bundled payments, such as hospitals
or physician groups, will only be able to redesign care to the
extent that care meets the myriad of related payment policy
requirements. Shifting greater medical management authority
from payers to entities managing the payment bundles is a
gradual process, as the experience of commercial payers proves.
Transitioning the responsibility for modifying coverage, benefit,
and payment requirements from CMS to principal accountable
bundlers (PABs) will depend on the PAB’s degree of financial risk
sharing as well as scope of the episode.
Am J Manag Care. 2014;20(8):e285-e293
More than 35% of the nearly 50 million Medicare
beneficiaries in 2013 received care from providers
operating under some form of shared
savings/risk type of pay-for-performance incentive. This
statistic reflects more than 14.4 million beneficiaries in
Medicare Advantage (MA) plans in 2013,1 plans which are
reimbursed paid using an annual capitation rate. It also includes
4.4 million beneficiaries in 2013 who are attributed
to 252 Medicare accountable care organizations (ACOs) under
the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP),2 which
are paid using a combination of fee-for-service and shared
savings or losses. In October 2013, additional beneficiaries
began receiving care from providers participating in the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation’s (CMMI's)
Bundled Payment for Care Improvement Initiative (BPCI).3
Under BPCI, awardees will be sharing financial risk with
CMS for selected episodes of care.
CMS is incentivizing providers through payment reform
to redesign healthcare services to improve health outcomes
while saving costs. However, implementation of payment reform
without a corresponding change to coverage, benefit,
and other payment requirements creates conflicting incentives
that may nullify the intended aims of payment reform.
To date, providers working under MA,4 MSSP,5 and the
BPCI6 must comply with 3 types of CMS policies. These
policies are core to the medical management of patients: (i)
coverage policies under Original Medicare Part A and Part
B (eg, national and local coverage determinations7); (ii) Medicare
benefit policies8 (eg, hospital services, physician services,
home healthcare, durable medical equipment, telehealth
benefit9); and (iii) other payment policy requirements tied to
payment systems for particular sites of care (eg, prior 3-day
inpatient stay for covered skilled nursing facility services,
3-hour therapy inpatient rehabilitation rule). Interestingly,
while traditional payment methodologies that are tied to the
site of service are rapidly changing to allow for more innovative
approaches—such as payment by episode of care, which
permits patients to receive treatments at multiple sites of
service for 1 bundled payment—these 3 principles of coverage
remain static.
Failure to evolve coverage, benefit, and payment policy
requirements as payment methods change is likely to
impede the ability of payment reform to reach maximum
quality, efficiency, and innovation in care. If related policies
do not evolve to align with payment reform, those
entities contracted to receive new bundled payments, here
referred to as principal accountable bundlers (PABs), are
only able to redesign care to the extent that care meets
the myriad of related payment policy requirements. PABs
may be hospitals, physician groups, post-acute providers
or third party entities who are in a position to financially
and clinically oversee an episode of care. As shown in
, coverage and benefit mechanisms that were designed
to support original payment models must be reconfigured
to be in synch with new pay-for-performance paradigms.
As a general rule, Medicare requires entities participating
in payment reform initiatives such as MSSP10 and
BCPI11 to have processes in place that document and support
adherence to evidence-based medicine payment initiatives.
The intent is to ensure that efforts to redesign care
actually result in clinically effective care. Tensions arise,
however, when new payment incentives conflict with traditional
coverage and benefit policies that have not changed.
For instance, based on review of clinical evidence, a PAB’s
medical leadership team may find that although a particular
medical innovation is reasonable and medically appropriate
for its patient population when provided following
the medical team’s clinical pathway the service cannot be
offered because it: (i) is not covered by Medicare; (ii) is not
a Medicare benefit; or (iii) does not comply with a payment
policy requirement. The net result is an unintentional
stifling of innovation, not due to payment concerns, but
because coverage and benefits are not synchronized to cooperate
with the change in payment to allow an alternative
treatment without roadblocks to payment.
A case in point is CMS’s recent negative response to
public requests to convert coverage of innovative remote
access technologies (eg, telemonitoring, Web-based technologies,
nurse hotlines, and other similar services) from
the status of supplemental benefit to a basic benefit because
CMS does not have the authority “to define Part C
basic benefits as being broader or different than the Parts
A and B benefits provided under original Medicare.”12
CMS has experience modifying payment requirements
and coverage policies to support more bundled methods
of payment, but to date, the approach has been ad hoc.
Some examples include developing customized waivers
for each payment model, and reviewing each request for
a new supplemental benefit in the MA program. With
new payment reforms emerging, a one-by-one review approach
will soon become unwieldy, and implementation
of payment reforms will be delayed. What’s more, an
unintended consequence of an ad hoc approach is that
it often lacks transparency. For example, little is known
about the waivers requested and offered under MSSP and
BPCI.13 It is an opportune time for CMS to adopt a more
systematic and transparent approach to modifying coverage
and benefit constructs to support the goals of payment
As we will see, most coverage, benefit, and payment
policy decisions are currently made centrally by CMS or
regionally by local Medicare Administrative contractors,
while decisions on how to spend the “bundle” are made
by the PABs. The failure to delegate decision making to
PABs regarding policies that are core to medical managementm
is understandable in these early stages of payment
reform, since current bundled arrangements with either
Medicare or commercial payers include only limited financial
risk for most PABs.14,15 As payment reform moves
ahead and PABs assume more financial risk, they will also
want more authority to redesign all aspects of care; they
will, for example, want to take on a greater role in designing
all policies that impact medical management.15
In our recommendations below about how we believe
the path forward should develop, we note that sharing
more authority with PABs does not mean abandoning all
existing coverage, benefit, and payment policies, but rather
allowing PABs to modify these policies when they meet
the conditions designed to ensure beneficiary protections.
Examples of such conditions might include: (i) requiring
PABs to meet baseline performance thresholds; (ii) having
evidence-based decision-making processes in place,
including a consensus-based approach by the PAB’s medical
leadership team, accompanied by ongoing evaluation
mechanisms; (iii) ensuring transparency of these processes
and policy modifications to providers and patients; (iv) establishing
opportunities for appeal; and (v) using patientcentric
decision-making tools (eg, shared decision-making
tools) to ensure that patients are empowered to make informed
decisions. If the PAB meets these conditions, CMS
would not necessarily be required to approve every policy
modification, but could transition to a role of monitoring
performance and enforcement of these conditions.
In order to create a plan for synchronicity, it is helpful
to review CMS’s past efforts to adapt coverage, benefit,
payment policies to payment innovation. The discussion
begins with a review of Medicare coverage policies.
We then provide an examination of CMS’s experience
with MA, the BPCI, and the introduction of the inpatient
rehabilitation facility prospective payment system. We
conclude with recommendations to guide steps forward,
illustrated with examples from private payers who are facing
similar challenges.
Targets and Criteria for Medicare Coverage Policies
CMS focuses most of its attention on developing formal
coverage policies for items and services that are likely
to have a major impact on quality, safety, and the government
budget. Although many items and services do not
reach this level of attention, CMS is tasked with meeting
the statutory requirement for Medicare services that
“[n]o payment may be made under Part A or Part B for
any expenses incurred for items or services, which...are
not reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment
of illness or injury or to improve the functioning
of a malformed body member.”16 Notably, this language
has never been amended, or interpreted through public
CMS determines what is reasonable and necessary
based on whether there is “adequate evidence to conclude
that the item or service improves health outcomes.”19,20
CMS ranks the quality of clinical studies based on numerous,
coherent, and sensible criteria that help assess
the reliability of the data generated.21 When there is no
specific coverage policy, a local Medicare Administrative
Contractor (MAC) may remain silent or may decide to
cover the service or item on a case-by-case basis.
Coverage and Benefits Under Medicare Advantage
The MA program, formerly Medicare + Choice, was
designed to give CMS an alternative way to provide services
for patients who were willing to forgo some flexibility
in selecting providers to get, in return, improved benefits
and lower costs.22 Commercial payers sponsor MA plans
and assume the insurance risk under a capitated payment
system for the services offered to their Medicare enrollees.
CMS requires that Medicare Advantage Organizations
(MAOs) “provide coverage of...all services that are
covered by Part A and Part B of Medicare…and that are
available to beneficiaries residing in the plan’s service
area.”23 By the same token, if a service or item is explicitly
not covered under Medicare Parts A or B, then it is
also not covered under MA. For example, in a recent
update to the Medicare Managed Care Manual, CMS
notes, “An MA plan may not offer home health coverage
or home health services beyond that covered by Original
Medicare, if the Home Health Agency manual has classified
those additional services as not covered by Original
Medicare because they are not considered medically nec
essary.”24 The Home Health Benefit Manual interprets the
statutory requirement25 that a Medicare beneficiary must
be homebound to qualify for home healthcre.26 Therefore,
an MA plan cannot offer home healthcare to patients
who are not homebound.
Additionally, MA plans may not add prerequisites to
covered services. For example, if an MA plan wants to
implement step therapy for a covered Part B drug as an approach
to improving quality and saving costs, it would not
be allowed to do so if step therapy is not also a requirement
under Original Medicare.27 CMS requires enrollees in MA
plans to have, at a minimum, equal access to items and services
covered by Original Medicare in their service area.28
For services or items on which CMS is silent (ie, where
there is no Medicare national or local coverage determination),
an MAO may choose to adopt the coverage policy of
another MAO in its service area or make its own coverage
determination. If an MAO makes its own coverage determination,
it must provide its rationale using an objective,
evidence-based process based on authoritative evidence.29
When an MAO would like to cover services beyond
those covered under Original Medicare, the MAO must
meet CMS conditions for “supplemental benefits.”30 Each
supplemental benefit must be additional to the benefit
covered by Original Medicare, be medically necessary,
and must result in the plan incurring medical costs.31 Examples
of supplemental benefits include services such as
additional inpatient hospital days (acute or psychiatric);
waiver of the Medicare payment policy that requires a
qualifying hospital stay of 72 hours (the 3-day rule) before
skilled nursing coverage is available; availability of Medicare
Part B; drugs and nursing services in the home and
other Part D drugs as a bundled service.32
In recent years, CMS has been expanding the list of
supplemental benefits. Some examples of services are certain
counseling programs for mental health conditions;
in-home safety assessment by qualified health providers;
enhanced disease management; post discharge in-home
medication reconciliation; readmission prevention services;
telemonitoring services; and Web- and telephone-based
technologies to help diagnose and treat some conditions.33
For CMS to approve each supplemental benefit, the
benefit must meet certain requirements—telemedicine
should supplement and not replace face-to-face visits, for
example, and all allied health professionals involved in
providing care must be licensed and certified. CMS reviews
and approves each supplemental benefit annually
as part of the plan bidding process.
Along with defining eligible supplemental benefits,
CMS defines services that are ineligible. For example,
stand-alone brain training/memory fitness is ineligible
as a supplemental benefit because according to CMS, no
conclusive evidence proves that any such services improve
memory or brain function. Therefore, these services
are not accepted clinical treatment modalities.34
The criteria CMS uses to differentiate between eligible
and ineligible supplemental benefits are not transparent.
CMS “encourages plans to offer supplemental benefits to
enrollees that are of value and based on sound medical
practice,”35 and offers MA plans the opportunity to comment
on changes to supplemental benefits. In the end,
however, CMS retains the authority to determine what
is considered an eligible new “health benefit.” Often, it
provides limited documentation explaining its decision.
While MA plans are paid on the basis of a broad bundle of
services, they have limited flexibility to cover new services
or modify existing coverage or benefit policies. CMS provides
tight guidelines on what is eligible as a supplemental
benefit, with minimal public discussion of its decisions.
Coverage and Benefits Under Original Medicare
Payment Reform Initiatives
In contrast to the MA program in which Medicare
benefits are provided through commercial insurance, the
BPCI and MSSP Initiatives are part of Original Medicare.
They are, therefore, directly insured by CMS. Under
these initiatives, CMS plans to transfer a portion of the financial
risk to PABs through shared savings and discount
In the MSSP, CMS plans to eventually pay some participating
providers a fully capitated payment similar to
MA plans. In all cases, however, PABs remain bound to
the established coverage requirements under Medicare
Parts A and B.36,37
Under the BPCI initiative, in Model 1 (acute inpatient;
retrospective), Model 2 (acute inpatient and post acute
care; retrospective), and Model 3 (post acute care; retrospective),
Medicare pays for all services, including waived
services, using fee-for-service. In return, CMS generates
savings based on prearranged discounted episode bundled
payment amounts. Under BPCI Model 4 (Acute inpatient;
prospective), providers pay for the all services, including
waived services, by drawing on their prospectively determined
episode payment amount.
In the BPCI initiative as in the MA program, CMS reviews
and approves (or not) each request for a waiver of
Medicare payment rules, referred to as “payment policy
waivers.”38 CMS’s review criteria include an assessment
of whether the waived requirement is integral to care redesign,
leads to program success, and has the potential
generate internal cost savings.
Table 1
shows an illustrative
list of waivers that BPCI applicants requested compared
with waivers that already exist in the MA program,
as well as those CMS has officially approved for all BPCI
awardees. For example, a BPCI applicant requested a
waiver of the “3-hour rule” for inpatient rehabilitation
facilities (IRFs). The 3-hour rule states that IRF patients
generally require 3 hours of therapy for 5 days per week,
unless the patient is unable to tolerate that level of therapy.
Any patient in a post acute setting who is not able to
tolerate 3 daily hours of therapy must be transferred to
a sub-acute care facility. According to the applicant, this
requirement may lead to potentially unnecessary readmissions
to a skilled nursing facility, especially when the patient’s
fragility is only temporary.39
Table 2
demonstrates that there is substantial variability
in CMS’s payment policy waivers across payment
models. CMS granted few waivers in the BPCI initiative.
Those waivers that were granted may be attached to other
requirements (eg, patients transferred from hospitals
must go to high-quality SAFs).40 Examples of inconsistencies
include: (i) the qualifying 72-hour rule before transfer
to a covered skilled-nursing stay is waived for MA plans
but waived only with the conditions in the BPCI initiative;
(ii) pre-surgery home safety visits are waived for MA
plans, while post discharge home visits are waived in the
BPCI initiative; (iii) CMS does not waive conditions for
Medicare’s traditional telehealth benefit for MA plans,
but does expand the telehealth benefit for BPCI awardees;
(iv) CMS allows some remote monitoring in MA
plans, but not for BPCI awardees. CMS has not had a
public discussion of the rationale behind these differing
This lack of public discussion contrasts sharply with
the way CMS approached its 2003 change in payment
methodology for IRFs from cost basis to prospective
payment (IRF-PPS) and the subsequent revisions to the
IRF coverage requirements. CMS made those changes
through a multiyear rule making process that vetted the
recommendations of a CMS internal working group
through opportunities for public comment.41
As a result of the rulemaking process, CMS deleted the
coverage guidance previously published in HCFAR 85-2-1
“to reflect changes that have occurred in medical practice
during the past 25 years and the implementation of the
CMS has used various approaches to adapting coverage,
benefit, or payment requirements in response to
changes in payment methods. Examples are presented in
Table 2.
In the MA program, which bases reimbursement on
a capitated rate rather than on a fee-for-service amount,
CMS has created supplemental benefits. For BPCI awardees,
CMS has not relaxed coverage policy requirements.
It has, however, granted payment policy waivers to remove
certain site-specific payment requirements. When
prospective payment was introduced for IRFs, CMS revised
requirements for covered admissions through rule
making. That is, to introduce a single policy change, CMS
has engaged multiple mechanisms. For example, CMS relaxed
the requirement to have a qualifying hospital stay
of 72 hours before covering a skilled nursing admission as
a “supplementary benefit” in the MA program, and as a
payment policy waiver in the BPCI initiative.
A Path Forward
Shifting greater medical management authority from
CMS to PABs is a gradual process, as shown by the experience
of commercial payers who have partnered with
ACOs. For instance, Fairview Health Services in Minnesota,
which has been working with accountable care models
for over 10 years, is continuing to take on more duties
around care management that were traditionally assumed
by health plans.43 One of the many lessons learned from
Premier’s Partnership for Care Transformation (PACT
Population Health Collaboration is the importance of
creating new divisions of labor between providers and
payers around responsibilities for care management.44
In 2010, the experiment of UnitedHealthcare (UHC)
that provided an upfront “episode payment” for the treatment
of selected cancers to medical oncologists, rather
than fee-for-service reimbursement, demonstrated that
payment, coverage, and benefit silos can be effectively
synchronized to deliver better health outcomes at a reasonable
cost within a system of care.45,46 In this case, a
team of oncologists acted as the PAB, evaluating clinically
equivalent regimens and developing recommendations for
coverage based on cost. They also incorporated the flexibility
to accommodate other treatment regimens based
on a patient’s unique profile. The net effect was to disconnect
the income of the oncologist from the sale and use
of specific drugs, while covering the most effective treatment
regimens in order to improve patient outcomes.46
Both the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the
American Cancer Society—Cancer Action Network issued
positive statements about the new program, because
at a minimum, it allowed UHC to test whether or not the
change in payment methodology actually influenced
drugs that physicians prescribed for their patients.47 UHC
undertook several measures to ensure appropriate patient
care. For example, a team of oncologists developed
evidence-based clinical pathways that guided patient care.
Only when pathways were deemed to be clinically equivalent
was the least expensive regimen selected.48
Figure 2
As shown in , transitioning the role of medical
management from CMS to PABs, including the ability
to modify coverage, benefits, and payment requirements,
can be viewed as a continuum that includes 3 main stages.
The stages are tied to the PAB’s degree of financial risk
sharing, as well as the scope of the episode. PABs assuming
minimal financial risk would fall under Stage 1 and
receive limited delegated authority focused primarily on
modifications of payment requirements directly relevant
to the payment methods being replaced (eg, prior 3-day
inpatient stay for covered skilled nursing facility services;
3-hour therapy inpatient rehabilitation rule). PABs assuming
greater financial risk, (eg, prospective bundled
payments for selected patient conditions) would fall under
Stage 2 and would have the delegated authority to
modify not only payment policy requirements but also
coverage policies for the patient conditions they are targeting.
PABs assuming full financial risk for a comprehen
sive set of clinical conditions would fall underStage 3 and
would be delegated even more authority, allowing them to
modify benefit policies. Except for changes in benefit policies,
these stages, for the most part, could be implemented
without legislation and in ways that satisfy the statute to
provide reasonable and medically necessary care.
National and local coverage policies would be the
starting point for any explicit coverage policy for a PAB.
In Stage 2, however, the PAB would be able to expand/
limit coverage or even cover otherwise noncovered services
(by overturning a local or national noncoverage policy),
allowing more opportunities for medical innovation.
For example, based on an evidence- and consensus-based
approach, the medical leadership team could choose to
cover an otherwise noncovered innovative diagnostic or
treatment service for their population. The PAB could
target provision of the service within a carefully defined
clinical pathway.
Moving away from volume-based fee-for-service payment
methods to value-based payments is widely recognized
by many as a way to incentivize patient-centric,
high-quality, innovative, and efficient care in the Medicare
program. Making the unit of payment broader and
tying payments to performance measures is helpful for setting
the direction for health- system change, but it will not
be sufficient. The myriad of payment, coverage, and benefit
policies—and the processes for establishing them—
were created during the era of payment silos. They now
will need to be revisited and redesigned if we are to fully
realize the objectives of payment reform. As in the commercial
payer world, how fast this occurs will depend on
the CMS’s appetite for change, the PAB’s ability to take
on these new responsibilities, and Congressional action
to support change.
Author Affiliations: Manatt Health Solutions, Washington, DC (AW,
Funding Source: None reported.
Author Disclosures: The authors report no relationship or financial
interest with any entity that would pose a conflict of interest with the
subject matter of this article.
Authorship Information: Concept and design (AW, NM); acquisition
of data (AW); analysis and interpretation of data (AW); drafting of the
manuscript (AW, NM); critical revision of the manuscript for important
intellectual content (AW, NM); provision of study materials or patients
(AW); administrative, technical, or logistic support AW); and supervision
Address correspondence to: Annemarie V. Wouters, PhD, Manatt
Health Solutions, 700 12th St, NW, Ste 1100, Washington, DC 20005. E-mail:
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Health Affairs.
Trump Administration’s Message to Supreme Court Puts New Wrinkle in Braidwood Case
February 21st 2025The Trump administration argues that HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr can overrule the US Preventive Services Task Force to determine the preventive services covered under the Affordable Care Act.
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Varied Access: The Pharmacogenetic Testing Coverage Divide
February 18th 2025On this episode of Managed Care Cast, we speak with the author of a study published in the February 2025 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® to uncover significant differences in coverage decisions for pharmacogenetic tests across major US health insurers.
5 Key Health Care Moments During President Trump's First Month Back in Office
February 21st 2025President Donald J. Trump pushed for significant health care changes during his first month back in office, through executive orders affecting managed care, drug pricing, and clinical trial diversity guidance.
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