We are most grateful to all the people who have reviewed manuscripts for us in 2008. Thanks to their efforts, the Journal is able to publish scientifically sound and relevant research for our readers.
We are most grateful to all the people who have reviewed manuscripts for us in 2008. Thanks to their efforts, the Journal is able to publish scientifically sound and relevant research for our readers.
Khamis S. Abu-Hasaballah, PhD Alyce S. Adams, PhD James E. Aikens, MD Ayse Akincigil, PhD G. Caleb Alexander, MD Gail M. Amundson, MD Tatiana Andreyeva, PhD Vickie Andros, PharmD Nedal Arar, PhD Greg Arling, PhD David C. Aron, MD, MS Sherrie Aspinall, PharmD Jule Assercq, MD Mark Atkinson, PhD Maria Quintos Baggstrom, MD Bruce Bagley, MD George Bakris, MD Appathurai Balamurugan, MD, MPH Daniel E. Ball, DrPH Carla M. Bann, PhD Richard R. Bannick, PhD Naomi Bardach, MD Aditya Bardia, MD, MPH Lori Bash, MPH Shahrzad Bazargan-Hejazi, PhD Edmund R. Becker, PhD Melinda J. Beeuwkes Buntin, PhD Dea Belazi, MD Antonia V. Bennett, MA Charles L. Bennett, MD, PhD Gregory D. Berg, PhD William A. Berk, MD Steven J. Bernstein, MD, MPH William Bestermann, MD Howard G. Birnbaum, PhD Michael S. Blaiss, MD Christopher M. Blanchette, PhD Caroline S. Blaum, MD Hayden B. Bosworth, PhD Marc F. Botteman, MS, MA John R. Bowblis, MA Robert C. Bowman, MD Cynthia M. Boyd, MPH Frederick L. Brancati, MD, MHS Sylvia J. Brandt, PhD Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH Michael J. Breslow, MD Becky Briesacher, PhD Joel V. Brill, MD Diana I. Brixner, RPh, PhD Michael S. Broder, PhD Richard Brook, MBA Maurice Alan Brookhart, MD Maria Brooks, PhD Steve Broudy, PharmD Bernadette K. Brown, PharmD David B. Brushwood, RPh, JD Jean-Marie Bruzzese, PhD Ragnhild Sigrid Bundesmann, PhD Sandra K. Burge, PhD Rami Burstein, PhD Deirdre A. Caplin, PhD Tim Carey, MD, MPH Robert M. Carney, PhD Deborah S. Carr, PhD Suzanne B. Cashman, ScD Jorge Miguel Cavazos, MD William T. Cecil, MBA Victoria L. Champion, PhD, RN Kenneth R. Chapman, MD Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS Craig Cheetham, PharmD Esther Chen, MD Allan Chernov, MD Hae Mi Choe, PharmD Neesha N. Choma, MD Ann Chou, PhD Jon B. Christianson, PhD Paul Alexander Clark, MPA Lisa Clemans-Cope, PhD Richard R. Cline, PhD David J. Cohen, MD Joshua P. Cohen, PhD Steven A. Cole, MD Jacque Cole, RN Michael Coleman, MBA Katie Coleman, MSPH Gene Colice, MD Michael T. Compton, MD Douglas A. Conrad, PhD Paul F. Cook, PhD Stephen Joel Coons, PhD Philip Cooper, PhD Kathryn Corson, PhD Howard L. Corwin, MD Carl E. Couch, MD Jesse Crosson, PhD Caitlin M. Cusack, MD, MPH Cheryl L. Damberg, PhD Gregory W. Daniel, MPH James Davis, PhD Brian De Smet, PharmD Lynn Deitrick, PhD, RN Suzanne Delbanco, PhD Thomas D. Denberg, MD, PhD Gary E. Deng, MD, PhD Wayne H. Denton, MD, PhD Ronald J. DePue, PharmD, RPh Carolyn S. Dewa, PhD, MPH Rozalina Dimitrova, MD, MPH Susan Dimmick, PhD Clara Elizabeth Dismuke, PhD Marisa E. Domino, PhD Julie M. Donohue, PhD Colin R. Dormuth, PhD Kristen E. Downs, MSPH Emanuel Doyne, MD George Dranitsaris, MD Dongyi Du Farrah Duffy, PhD Mei Sheng Duh, MPH, ScD Alyssa Easton, PhD, MPH Elena Elkin, PhD Randall P. Ellis, PhD Steven R. Erickson, PharmD William B. Ershler, MD Dominick Esposito, PhD Charity Evans, BSP L. J. Fagnan, MD Joel F. Farley, PhD Roger D. Feldman, MD Suzanne Felt-Lisk, MPA Amy Ferketich, PhD Donna M. Fick, PhD, RN Guido Filler, MD, PhD Eric A. Finkelstein, PhD Michael Adam Fischer, MD Rachael Fleurence, PhD, MBA Sue Flocke, PhD Curtis S. Florence, PhD Michael B. Foggs, MD Daniel J. Foley, MS Eric W. Ford, PhD Samuel N. Forjuoh, MD, DrPH Norman L. Foster, MD Austin Frakt, PhD Sharon Glave Frazee, PhD Mark William Friedberg, MD, MPP Howard S. Friedman, MD Mark E. Frisse, MD Paul Fronstin, PhD Anne L. Fuhlbrigge, MD Jon P. Furuno, PhD Alison Galbraith, MD, MPH Kaia Gallagher, PhD Shravanthi R. Gandra, PhD, MBA Louis P. Garrison, PhD Tiffany L. Gary, PhD Arthur F. Gelb, MD Walid F. Gellad, MD, MPH Allan Gibofsky, MD Teresa B. Gibson, PhD James M. Gill, MD, MPH Aaron M. Gilson, PhD Norbert Gleicher, MD Paul J. Godley, PharmD Ron Goetzel, PhD Thomas Golaszewski, EDd Deborah T. Gold, PhD Marsha R. Gold, ScD Adam G. Golden, MD, MBA Neil I. Goldfarb, BA Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, PhD Dana P. Goldman, PhD Jay L. Goldstein, MD Sergio G. Golombek, MD Michael Joseph Goodman, PhD Richard Grant, MD, MPH John W. Graves, MD
Jessica K. Greene, PhD, MPH Carole Roan Gresenz, PhD Jennifer J. Griggs, MD Antonio Grossi Martin C. Gulliford, FRCP Leonard Haas, PhD Elizabeth Butzer Habermann, PhD, MPH Jewell H. Halanych, MD Rachel Halpern, PhD, MPH Melinda C. Haren, RN Elizabeth Hargrave, PhD Carolyn Harley, PhD Brooke Harrow, PhD Daniel Hartung, PharmD Mariam K. Hassan, PhD Andrea Hassol, MSPH Robert S. Hauser, PharmD, PhD Erika Heaton Bradley Herring, PhD Kevin C. Heslin, PhD Anthony D. Heymann, MBBS Peter Hill, MD Marianne Messersmith Hillemeier, PhD Richard A. Hirth, PhD P. Michael Ho, MD, PhD John F. Hoadley, PhD Dominic Hodgkin, PhD Thomas Hoerger, MD Nathan R. Hoot, PhD Susan D. Horn, PhD John Hornberger, MD Mark C. Hornbrook, PhD Kristin Horning, PharmD Charles L. Hossler, PhD, RN John T. Hsu, MD, MBA Ke-Qin Hu, MD Hao Hu, PhD Allen R. Huang, MD Han-Yao Huang, PhD Haiden A. Huskamp, PhD Amalia M. Issa, PhD, MPH Mirou Jaana, PhD Brian R. Jackson, MD, MS Mireille Jacobson, PhD Peter D. Jacobson, PhD Natalie Rachele Jacuzzi, MPH Jonathan Javitt, MD, MPH Michael L. Johnson, PhD Geoffrey Joyce, PhD Katherine L. Kahn, MD Charles N. Kahn, MPH Iftekhar Kalsekar, PhD Siddhesh Kamat, MS Audiey Kao, MD, PhD Wayne J. Katon, MD David A. Katz, MD, MSc Arthur Kaufman, PhD Cathy Kelley, PharmD Jae J. Kennedy, PhD Jonathan D. Ketcham, PhD Mark W. Ketterer, PhD Meredith L. Kilgore, PhD Catherine Kim, MD, MPH Gretchen Kimmick, MD Elizabeth A. Kind, RN Nicole Kinnane, RN Susan Kirsh, MD Kenneth L. Kirsh, PhD Carrie N. Klabunde, PhD Douglas Klein, MD Nathan L. Kleinman, PhD Donald G. Klepser, PhD Kenneth A. Kobak, PhD Marlon R. Koenigsberg, PhD Richard L. Kravitz, MD Sarah L. Krein, PhD, RN Suzan N. Kucukarslan, PhD Victoria A. Kumar, MS April M. Kunze, PharmD Steve M. Kymes, PhD Pamela B. Landsman, DrPH Carl J. Lavie, MD Anandi V. Law, PhD Sei Lee, MD Won Chan Lee, PhD Natasha Leighl, MD Charles Edward Leonard, PharmD Peter J. Levin, ScD Jeff Levin-Scherz, MD, MBA Emily B. Levitan, MD Kent Lewandrowski, MD E. Michael Lewiecki, PhD Joel Lexchin, MD Anne M. Libby, PhD Frank R. Lichtenberg, PhD Stuart M. Lichtman, MD Kaiser Lim, MD Ariel Linden, DrPH Christopher G. Lis, MPH Benjamin Littenberg, MD Neal M. Lonky, MD, MPH Margaret M. Love, PhD Deborah P. Lubeck, PhD James Lubitz Nancy Rudner Lugo, DrPH Carol VanDeusen Lukas, EdD Huabin Luo, PhD Jun Ma, MD, PhD Michael V. Maciosek, PhD Eric MacLaughlin, PharmD Karl J. Madaras-Kelly, PharmD Martin C. Mahoney, MD, PhD Sumit R. Majumdar, MD, MPH Shaista Malik, MD, PhD Daniel C. Malone, PhD, RPh Donna Malvey, PhD, MHSA Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD Keith Evan Mandel, MD Daid M. Mannino, MD Patrick J. Mansky, MD Douglas W. Mapel, MD, MPH Ruth Margalit, MD John D. Mark, MD Joel C. Marrs, PharmD Michael E. Matheny, MD Richard S. Mathis, PhD Dyann Matson Koffman, DrPH, MPH Kathleen M. Mazor, EdD John McAlearney, PhD K. John McConnell, PhD David P. McCormick, MD Robert C. McDonald, MD, MBA Joseph P. McEvoy, MD Elizabeth A. McGlynn, PhD Andrew Thomas McLellan, PhD Laurence F. McMahon, MD Pamela M. McMahon, MD Troy McMullin, PharmD David Mechanic, PhD Rajinish Mehrotra, MD Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH James B. Meigs, MD, MPH Brian Meissner, PharmD, PhD Ying-Ying Meng, DrPH Joseph Menzin, PhD Lisa S. Meredith, PhD Sharon B. Meropol, MD Mark Meterko, PhD Barry X. Miller, PhD Arnold Milstein, MD Steve Morgan, PhD David M. Mosen, PhD, MPH Paul S. Mueller, MD, MPH Jim Mundt, PhD Matthew M. Murawski, PhD, RPh Daniel L. Murman, MD, MS Shirley Musich, PhD Savithri Nageswaran, MD Aanand D. Naik, MD Ian Nathanson, MD Cyndy Nayer, MA Magdalena R. Naylor, MD, PhD David R. Nerenz, PhD Patricia Neuman, ScD Peter J. Neumann, ScD Lee N. Newcomer, MD, MHA Judy H. Ng, PhD Julia K. Nguyen, PharmD Reece Nielson, MS Paul J. Nietert, PhD Allen R. Nissenson, MD Edward C. Norton, PhD John A. Nyman, PhD Amanda M. M. Oakley, MD Ira Ockene, MD Richard D. O'Connor, MD Patrick J. O'Connor, MD, MPH Margaret E. O'Kane, MHS Alex Ortega, MD
Ronald J. Ozminkowski, PhD Valerie A. Palda, MD, MSc Stephen T. Parente, PhD, MPH Uptal D. Patel, MD Rajul Arvind Patel, Pharm D, PhD Swati Pawa, MD Norma J. Peal, PhD Jeffrey Peppercorn, MD Ciaran S. Phibbs, PhD Jesse M. Pines, MD, MBA Elena Platonova, PhD Marty S. Player, MD Mary E. Plomondon, PhD, MSPH Jennifer M. Polinski, MPH, MS Kathryn Pollak, PhD Maarten J. Postma, PhD Mary Jo V. Pugh, PhD Marsha A. Raebel, PharmD Elham Rahme, PhD Rafia Rasu, PhD, MPharm, MBA Jean-Pierre Raynauld, MD, FRCPC Mary Reed, MPH Shelby D. Reed, PhD Robert J. Reid, MD, PhD YongJoo Rhee, DrPH Lisa C. Richardson, MD Joshua S. Richman, MD, PhD Gary A. Richwald, MD, MPH Andrew L. Ries, MD, MPH Gerald F. Riley, MSPH Debra R. Ritzwoller, PhD Alan Robin, MD Dylan H. Roby, PhD Robert A. Rosenheck, MD Julio Rosenstock, MD Thomas C. Rosenthal, MD Meredith B. Rosenthal, PhD Lisa V. Rubenstein, MD, MSPH Richard R. Rubin, PhD, CDE Mary Ruhe, RN, BS Randall Rupper, MD, MPH Kenneth G. Saag, MD Patricia R. Salber, MD, MBA Koravangattu Sankaran, MD Urminala Sarkar, MD Barry G. Saver, MD, MPH Ramesh Saxena, MD, PhD Dennis P. Scanlon, PhD Monica Gail Schaefer, PharmD Michael Schatz, MD Jody Schimmel, PhD Cynthia J. Schmeichel, PhD Julie A. Schmittdiel, PhD Jennifer S. Schultz, PhD Stuart O. Schweitzer, PhD Michelle D. Seelig, MD, MSHS Edward G. Seferian, MD Andrew D. Seidman, MD Thomas M. Selden, MD Pearl Hyun Seo, MD Nilay Shah, PhD Fadia T. Shaya, PhD, MPH Paul Shekelle, MD, MPH Jay Shen, PhD Yujing Shen, PhD Jeffrey T. Sherer, PharmD Bruce Sherman, MD Windsor Westbrook Sherrill, PhD Sharash Shetty, PhD Judith A. Shinogle, PhD, MSc Theresa I. Shireman, PhD, RPh Souraya Sidani, PhD Jaan E. Sidorov, MD Steven R. Simon, MD Merrile Sing, PhD Sonal Singh, MD Mark Siracuse, PharmD, PhD Christopher L. Sistrom, MD Brenda G. Skaggs, PhD, RN Elizabeth Ann Skinner, MSW Robert C. Smith, MD Steven A. Smith, MD Djora I. Soeteman, MD Lawrence Solomon, MD Daniel H. Solomon, MD Neeraj Sood, PhD Todd D. Sorensen, PharmD Francisco Soto Mas, MD, PhD, MPH Michael E. Speer, MD Michele M. Spence, PhD JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen, MD Robert Spinelli Joshua J. Spooner, PharmD Benjamin Springgate, MD, MPH Andrew W. Steele, MD Steven J. Steindel, PhD Beat Steiner, MD, MPH Michael A. Steinman, MD Michael P. Stern, MD David G. Stevenson, PhD Renee A. Stiles, PhD Christopher Stille, MD, MPH Carol S. Stilley, PhD, RN Stuart Stoloff, MD Dale C. Strasser, MD Donna Strobino, PhD Robert C. Strunk, MD Bruce Stuart, PhD Joann Stubbings, RPh Laura L. Summer, MPH Shawn X. Sun, PhD Deborah Taira Juarez, ScD Karen Tallman, PhD Guoyu Tao, PhD Sim Eng Tay, MD Jeanette M. Tetrault, MD Charuhas V. Thakar, MD Richard L. Theriault, DO, MBA Stephen Thielke, MD, MA Cindy Parks Thomas, PhD Maria E. Thomas, RN, BSN Kenneth E. Thorpe, PhD Jennifer Tjia, MD Laura A. Tollen, MPH Tina Tolomeo Daniel R. Touchette, PharmD Ali Towfigh, MD Chien-Wen Tseng, MD, MPH Lisa Kessler Tuchman, MD, MPH William F. G. Tucker, MD Jessie L. Tucker, PhD Laurene M. Tumiel-Berhalter, PhD Alex Turchin, MD, MS Frank L. Urbano, MD Julie M. Urmie, PhD, RPh F. Randy Vogenberg, PhD, RPh Lydia Voti, MD Thomas T. H. Wan, PhD Fei Wang, PharmD Jay Want, MD Debbie H. Ward, PhD, RN Reginald Washington, MD Lea C. Watson, MD, MPH Frances M. Weaver, PhD Michael A. Weber, MD William B. Weeks, MD, MBA Andrew G. Weinstein, MD Verna Welch, PhD James Welker, DO Jack Wheeler, PhD Dennis White Joshua M. Wiener, PhD Danielle Willems, PhD Vincent J. Willey, PharmD Keoki Williams, MD Scott C. Williams, MD Stephen Wilson, MD Amy R. Wilson, PhD Carla A. Winston, PhD James R. Wright, MD Wenchen Kenneth Wu, PhD Deborah P. Wubben, MD, MPH Robin Yabroff, MD Zhou Yang, PhD Brian T. Yates, PhD Barbara P. Yawn, MD Yusuf Yazici, MD Ming-kung Yeh, PhD Wesley Yin, PhD Krista Yokoyama, PharmD Alan Zaslavsky, PhD John E. Zeber, PhD Yuting Zhang, PhD Carolyn Wei Zhu, PhD Roy C. Ziegelstein, MD Eyal Zimlichman, MD
Insurance Payer Is Associated With Length of Stay After Traumatic Brain Injury
February 21st 2025Among hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury, Medicaid fee-for-service was associated with longer hospital stays than private insurance and Medicaid managed care organizations.
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Managed Care Reflections: Insights From Richard J. Gilfillan, MD; and Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP
February 20th 2025To mark the 30th anniversary of The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC), each issue in 2025 includes reflections from a thought leader on what has changed over the past 3 decades and what’s next for managed care. The February issue features a retrospective by Richard J. Gilfillan, MD, former director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation; and Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, former administrator of CMS.
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Medical Policy Determinations for Pharmacogenetic Tests Among US Health Plans
February 10th 2025This analysis demonstrated significant variability in medical policy determinations and evidence cited for clinically relevant pharmacogenetic tests among major US health insurers and laboratory benefit managers.
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