EP. 1: Clinical Characteristics Distinguishing CLL and SLL
Key opinion leaders open a discussion surrounding CLL and SLL, and describing unique characteristics of each disease state.
EP. 2: Quality of Life Impacted By CLL and SLL Diagnosis and Management
Clinical manifestations and impact on patient quality of life amid diagnosis and management of CLL and SLL are discussed.
EP. 3: Evaluating Current Treatment Landscape of CLL and SLL
A panel of experts explore current treatment strategies in CLL and SLL management.
EP. 4: Unmet Needs In CLL and SLL Treatment Management
Deborah Stephens, DO, shares unmet needs in the current treatment landscape of CLL and SLL.
EP. 5: Indications and Considerations For BTK Inhibitor Use In CLL and SLL Management
Dr Haumschild drives a discussion surrounding the role of bruton kinase inhibitors for treating CLL and SLL.
EP. 6: Examining Safety and Efficacy of BTK Inhibitors In CLL and SLL Treatment
Safety considerations for BTKi use in CLL and SLL treatment are highlighted.
EP. 7: Determining Optimal CLL / SLL Therapy: Ibrutinib, Acalabrutinib and Zanubrutinib
Medical experts illustrate the impact of combination therapy for treatment of CLL and SLL.
EP. 8: Key Highlights From ASH 2023
EP. 9: Economic Burden Associated With BTK Inhibitor Use
Experts evaluate the financial impact experience by patients receiving BTK inhibitor therapy.
EP. 10: Patient Education Driving BTK Inhibitor Treatment Adherence
The criticality of patient education in BTKi use and its impact on treatment adherence is discussed.
EP. 11: Optimizing BTKi Treatment Strategies
The panelists provide perspectives on critical aspects of the CLL and SLL treatment landscape.
EP. 12: Key Considerations for Treating Patients Diagnosed With CLL and SLL
Medical experts provide their final thoughts regarding key treatment considerations for CLL and SLL.