This article presents a systematic review of the US literature on factors influencing the decision to visit the emergency department for nonurgent conditions.
Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications places a heavy burden on healthcare budgets in China and will continue to do so.
Unlike ACOs or P4P, implementation of bundled payment for inpatient and post acute care in Medicare would modestly reduce geographic variation in spending.
A formulary restriction policy in a Medicare population was associated with lower celecoxib utilization; however, higher gastrointestinal- and arthritis-related medical costs were observed.
A novel, simplified cost-value analysis tool was created to better differentiate the value of anticancer agents and further characterize the expected survival benefit of all patients.
Using data from a nationwide registry, this study revealed significant variation in the use and cost of contemporary regimens for colorectal cancer.
This article provides an assessment of the downstream impact of coronary artery calcium scanning on the subsequent treatment patterns of non—high-risk patients.
An updated emergency visit classification tool enables managers to make valid inferences about levels of appropriateness of emergency department utilization and healthcare needs within a population.
This study provides proof of concept that imminent risk of fracture can be assessed by evaluating recent fracture, age, sex, race, medically significant falls, and psychoactive medications.
Increased care fragmentation among chronically ill, commercially insured patients is associated with higher costs and lower quality of care.
An intervention to increase tobacco treatment rates through care coordination for telephone counseling was effective in raising referral rates and in achieving excellent long-term abstinence.
Using an instrumental variable approach, this study is the first to present causal estimates of the effect of preventive dental visits on overall medical expenditures.
This paper estimates the costs and benefits of over-the-counter (OTC) statins using data on statin use and cardiovascular risk, clinical studies of statin safety and efficacy, and an OTC statin use trial.
This article describes a study of an intervention to engage Medicare Part D beneficiaries in obtaining a comprehensive medication review.