Mobile health clinics represent promising vehicles through which high quality, cost-effective care can be delivered to patients, especially in underserved areas.
Veterans enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans differed from fee-for-service sector enrollees in several demographic, geographic, and clinical characteristics and in patterns of medication use.
Pharmacy and medical claims data showed that patients whose clinicians had access to pharmacogenetic test results had increased adherence and overall cost savings.
Increases in Medicare Advantage market share over the past 10 years are largely caused by an increased preference for managed care among Medicare beneficiaries.
This review demonstrates the long-term (≥12 months) efficacy of preoperative smoking cessation programs, providing further support for incorporation of smoking cessation programs into presurgical clinics.
A quality measure reduced antibiotic use for patients with acute bronchitis but led to use of an alternative diagnosis, offsetting most of the observed improvement.
High-deductible health plan members with bipolar disorder experienced a reduction in nonpsychiatrist mental health provider visits but no changes in other utilization.
This study examines factors impacting the receipt of an outpatient colonoscopy by VA or non-VA providers in older veterans dually eligible for VA/Medicare benefits.
The overall incidence of hypoglycemia was considerable in this large working-age population and was associated with $52 million (2008 dollars) in direct medical costs.
This study evaluated a pharmacist-managed diabetes clinic to determine its impact on diabetes-related quality measures.(For Tables and Figures, please access the PDF on last page.)
Authors from Foundation Medicine explain the regulatory path that led to approval of FoundationOne CDx.
The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), has established a robust health technology assessment strategy for engaging patients so that the entire process is informed by the patient experience and what “value” means to them.