Simple office management techniques should be revisited and given focused attention by primary care physicians to limit emergency department visits for primary care“treatable conditions.
Accountable care is forcing providers to develop new capacities and strategies for managing cost and quality trends. Prospectively managing the health of populations requires shifting the focus of care delivery from episodic interventions to continuous population management. As a result, accountable care organizations (ACOs) are dedicating considerable focus to developing the infrastructure and tools needed to help patients manage their chronic conditions. This is a significant departure from traditional care-delivery models and will require provider organizations to develop new partnerships and embrace new methods.
Mechanisms to better codify clinical outcomes and intermediate outcome milestones are necessary to make the fullest use of EHR data for comparative effectiveness research.
By predicting which individuals are most likely to require therapies for chronic kidney disease within the next year, health plans can better organize resource allocation to smooth or delay the transition for the patient, according to Rehan Waheed, MD of Quest Diagnostics.
A large proportion of opioid analgesic treated chronic pain patients exhibited behaviors indicative of potentially problematic opioid use, which significantly affected healthcare costs.
Placement of patients in an inpatient hospital setting is associated with lower length of stay and mortality at the expense of higher costs.
Members of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) have articulated concerns regarding the current proliferation of clinical pathways in oncology that could affect patient access and care quality. In response, ASCO established an ad hoc Task Force, which issued a policy statement to guide the future development and implementation of these treatment management tools.
Health IT—enabled information sharing promotes communication within care teams. This study examined health IT adoption rates among practices that employ nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
This study demonstrates a major influence of prehypertension and hypertension on healthcare costs in a large cohort of children, independent of body mass index.
Higher overall patient satisfaction with inpatient care and discharge planning is associated with lower 30-day readmission rates after adjusting for clinical quality.
Through a multi-site, multidisciplinary approach, AYA@USC addresses the unique needs of young adult cancer patients, improving outcomes and bridging the care gap in this population.
This mixed-methods study evaluated hospitalized patients’ and family members’ perceived communications mismatches and their calls for transparent real-time information and potential 21st-century solutions.
Telehealth, a universal term for the use of digital information and communication technologies to remotely access healthcare services, is improving availability of healthcare services, particularly for patients in rural areas.
In this analysis of patients with newly diagnosed hepatitis C, linkage to care was largely successful in the 1945-1965 birth cohort, but treatment initiation remained low. Check out our website’s new table/figure pop-up feature! Click on the name of a table or figure in the text to see it in your browser.