Ten percent of patients abandon newly initiated oral oncolytics at the pharmacy. Patients facing higher cost sharing or increased concurrent prescription activity have a higher abandonment rate.
The Medicare STAR medication adherence measures exclude diabetes patients at high risk for poor cardiovascular outcomes, and underestimate the prevalence of medication nonadherence in diabetes.
A methodologically sound, empirically based approach to creating peer groupings can and should be adapted to fit the setting of nursing homes.
The authors examined 2 high-risk classification methods to compare and contrast the patient populations, and to identify the preferred method for predicting subsequent emergency department visits.
We examined the impact of clinical complexity defined by comorbidity count and illness burden on comprehensive diabetes care, including blood pressure, glycemic, and lipid management.
Geographic variation in healthcare spending and utilization within the Military Health System is higher and significantly correlated with Medicare across hospital referral regions.
Study results indicate that outreach interventions performed by trained student pharmacists assist Medicare beneficiaries to effectively navigate their Part D benefit, thereby reducing out-of-pocket costs.
This study compared the requesting patterns for acute phase markers from primary care departments in different institutions in Spain.
The main reason given for receiving results online was time savings, reported by 77% of participants, followed by lowering the chance of missing the results (31%).
Many patients offered, and those already participating in, care management are unaware of what care management is and that they have participated.
Targeting cardiovascular risk reduction interventions to high-risk patients has the potential to reduce cardiovascular racial disparities, improve health, and reduce costs.
This prospective trial suggests that specialized care coordination and health counseling for patients coping with advanced stages of 4 life-limiting illnesses can be beneficial.
Perceived barriers and benefits to implementing disease management programs among Israeli healthcare leaders could assist other countries faced with increasing numbers of chronically ill patients.
The panel concludes its discussion by providing key takeaways on the evolving RSV vaccination landscape.
Commercial health plans promote the use of health IT to support behavioral health care access and delivery.
Associations between out-of-pocket costs and prescription reversals, as well as impact of reversals on rehospitalizations and healthcare costs, were examined among patients prescribed oral linezolid.
Questionnaires are noninvasive, inexpensive measures that can identify key elements of the patient perspec­tive that are important for the achievement of better outcomes in diabetes care.
Minimally invasive radical prostatectomy was more commonly performed in civilian hospitals compared with military hospitals among TRICARE beneficiaries, with comparable postoperative outcomes.