Intarcia Says Phase 3 Results Show Better Control Than Januvia for Type 2 Diabetes
August 19th 2015The ITCA 650 device, which delivers tiny doses of exenatide, could be a game changer in solving the problem of medication adherence. An application for FDA approval is expected in the first half of 2016.
Challenges Await as Medicaid Managed Care Absorbs the Most Fragile Patients
August 17th 2015Examples from many states show the tension between the desire the hold down costs and the need to address the specialized medical issues of patients with life-threatening illnesses, which can be very expensive to treat.
GAO: Congress Must End Incentives to Prescribe More Expensive Drugs Through 340B Program
August 14th 2015A report from the Government Accountability Office has found that a program for hospitals serving poor and uninsured patients has created perverse incentives to prescribe more drugs and more expensive drugs, particularly in the area of cancer care.
Coca-Cola Funds Science to Promote Exercise as Solution to Obesity Crisis
August 10th 2015Critics of Coke's financial support said its was not transparent until scholars forced its revelation, and that it's a gambit to steer attention away from the role of soda in the nation's epidemic of diabetes and obesity.