Exchange Workers Stuck in 'Stone Age'
October 10th 2013The future of healthcare is shaping into something that looks like it is out of a science-fiction movie: electronic health records, E-prescriptions, big data, and cutting-edge technologies being used in the patient procedures. So why are the healthcare insurance exchanges relying on stone-age processes?
Physician Assistants to Fill Physician Care Gap
October 8th 2013Beyond the online marketplaces and networks of health systems seeking to meet the influx of newly insured, are the individuals who will be providing patient care. By 2020, the Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that there will be a 90,000 shortage in physicians. To fill that provider gap, many are looking to the physician assistant (PA) workforce.
Healthcare Exchanges Rollout, Consumer Education Crucial
October 1st 2013The country is abuzz with news of the state-based exchanges opening today. For the millions of uninsured, it means they can finally obtain affordable coverage. Yet, a lack of outreach and education about what the exchanges entail has created a missing link between consumers and their ability to make effective decisions.
Enrollment Impact Will Not Immediately Be Known
September 30th 2013Tomorrow marks the official start date of open enrollment in the healthcare insurance exchange marketplace. For the first time in history, millions nationwide will have the opportunity to purchase health insurance as a benefit of the Affordable Care Act.
Exchange Implementation Nears, but Questions Still Exist
September 27th 2013While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has incited critically-needed interest and discussion of a more competitive insurance marketplace in order to control costs, there are still many emerging concerns about both the public and private healthcare exchanges.
Insurers to Limit Exchange Doctor Networks
September 18th 2013In an effort to control insurance premium costs, major insurance companies in California are limiting the number of doctors and hospitals that will be available to patients obtaining health plans in the new state health insurance marketplace.
HIT and Stage 2 Meaningful Use
September 17th 2013Health Information Technology (HIT) is expected to make patients' medical information not only more accessible, but easier to share among providers. Yet, despite the promising capabilities of HIT, providers are not entirely convinced about the costs that come with health technology.
Is There Value in Hospital-Physician Integration?
September 6th 2013Hospitals and healthcare systems nationwide are increasingly buying more physician practices as health reform requires care delivery to move toward a more quality-based care model instead of a fee-for-service one. The reactions are mixed.
Study Finds Link Between Medicare Payment Models and Cancer Supplement Prescriptions
August 27th 2013Could Medicare payment models impact a physician's decision to prescribe cancer drug supplements? A recent study from The American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits published new findings that say they can.