This week, top managed care stories included CareMore Health successfully managing complex patients; HHS standing by its rules on interoperability; healthcare costs rising faster than wages.
CareMore Health successfully manages complex patients, HHS stands by its rules on interoperability, and healthcare costs rise faster than wages.
Welcome to This Week in Managed Care, I’m Christina Mattina.
Complex Care Management Saves Money, Decreases Hospital Admissions
Healthcare experts were disappointed with last month’s news that the Camden Coalition’s long-term work with hotspotting failed to trim hospital admissions.
But research in the new issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® suggests that complex care management can work, if programs are designed correctly.
Authors from CareMore Health reported on an initiative in Memphis that saved $7700 per patient a year.
The authors found:
For the full article, visit
HHS Stands Behind Interoperability Rules
A presentation at this year’s AcademyHealth National Policy Conference makes it clear that HHS is standing by its final rules on interoperability of patient data.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar and ONC Coordinator Dr Don Rucker said control of patient data is about access and choice. They pushed back at suggestions from the largest supplier of EHR software, Epic, that the rules be delayed.
Said Azar: “Patients should be able to access their electronic medical record at no cost, period. Providers should be able to use the IT tools that allow them to provide the best care for patients, without excessive costs or technical barriers. Unfortunately, defenders of the balkanized, outdated status quo have fought our proposals fiercely.”
Rucker rejected suggestions that pushing through the rules will put privacy at risk.
For more from the AcademyHealth conference, visit
Healthcare Costs Increased Twice as Fast as Worker Wages
Worker wages aren’t keeping pace with healthcare costs, according to new research.
The Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker found that health spending at larger employer plans by families rose 2 times faster than wages over the past 10 years.
The study found:
The report found: “When considering the affordability of healthcare, it is important to put it in context with the relatively low increases in workers’ wages.…While average payments towards deductibles are still relatively low, they have increased considerably in the context of total household budgets.”
For more, visit
CVS Invests in Affordable Housing
CVS is addressing social determinants of health through affordable housing.
CVS Health will spend $75 million in 2020, a 12% increase from what it spent in this area in 2019.
The spending on rental units, made in partnership with Aetna, is part of a plan to avoid hospital stays and acute healthcare costs.
Paper of the Week
Finally, we bring you Paper of the Week, which looks back at research and commentary from the past 25 years in The American Journal of Managed Care®, and why they matter today.
This week’s paper, “Metabolic Syndrome and Mental Illness,” is one of many over the years that has addressed the challenges of complex patients.
The 2007 paper examined the elevated risks for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes for patients who have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Author John W. Newcomer reported that these patients have a life span 25 to 30 years shorter due to their combination of risk factors.
For the paper, visit
For more about complex patients, visit
For all of us at AJMC®, I’m Christina Mattina. Thanks for joining us.