The US patient monitoring market is projected to grow over $5 billion by 2020 driven by the demand for customized healthcare solutions, increased chronic illness amongst the aging population, and strained healthcare budgets.
The US telehealth market is expected to lead growth in the patient monitoring market, which is projected to grow over $5 billion by 2020, according to a report by iData Research. The telehealth market is segmented into cardiac implantable electric device telehealth monitoring and disease conditions management telehealth monitoring, which should represent more than half of the total telehealth market by 2020.
Growth in the telehealth market will be driven by the demand for customized healthcare solutions, increased chronic illness amongst the aging population, and strained healthcare budgets, according to the report. In addition, market growth is expected to be further bolstered as awareness and implementation of standards for reimbursement and adoption of this type of care management increase.
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