Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the health care and mainstream press.
A study published in the September 2020 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®) was featured on the HealthPayerIntelligence website. The study, “Policies to Address Surprise Billing Can Affect Health Insurance Premiums,” found that in addition to protecting patients from receiving unexpected bills, policies to address surprise billing could reduce health insurance premiums by 1% to 5%.
An article on OrthoSpineNews cited an article published on, the website of AJMC®. The article, “Diabetic Amputations May Be Rising in the United States,” indicated that after decades of decline, lower-limb amputations may be rising in the United States. Findings of the study came after reports of rising rates of diabetes and obesity among young adults and soaring insulin costs, which may mean diabetes is not being effectively treated.
An article by The Washington Times cited a study published in the August 2019 issue of AJMC®. The study, “Influence of Out-of-Network Payment Standards on Insurer–Provider Bargaining: California’s Experience,” examined California’s experience implementing a policy to address surprise medical billing, which found that out-of-network payment standards can influence payer-provider bargaining leverage, affecting prices and network breadth.
A piece by The Washington Informer referenced an article published on, titled, “How a Supreme Court Vacancy Can Shape the Fate of the ACA, Reproductive Rights.” The article indicated that the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her potential replacement could result in substantial changes to the future of the Affordable Care Act and women’s reproductive rights.
Frameworks for Advancing Health Equity: Trans and Gender Diverse Health Care
June 28th 2024Charlie Borowicz, manager of trans and gender diverse health at Allegheny Health Network, shares how the program offers comprehensive patient-first care to those in the LGBTQ+ and gender diverse community.
Elevating Equitable Health Care for the LGBTQ+ Community
June 18th 2024For the third episode in our special Pride Month series, we speak with Patrick McGovern, CEO of Callen-Lorde since August of 2023 and an outspoken advocate for HIV; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus (LGBTQ+); and community health.
Racial and Ethnic Bias in Pulse Oximetry Is Failing Patients
January 6th 2025Acknowledging the disparity in pulse oximetry implicates a $2 billion industry that has faced stricter regulations in recent years in an attempt to address bias in the development and testing of these devices, the authors stated.
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