Many hospitals penalized for readmissions were given readmission grades of “no different” or “better” than the national rate on the Hospital Compare website.
Feasibility of Expanded Emergency Department Screening for Behavioral Health Problems
This feasibility study of expanded emergency department screening identified a high prevalence of behavioral health conditions. Screening was successfully integrated into emergency visit idle times.
Patient Experience During a Large Primary Care Practice Transformation Initiative
Four years of practice transformation toward comprehensive primary care had little effect on patient experience.
Patient Attribution: Why the Method Matters
Reliable identification of the physician–patient relationship is necessary for accurate evaluation. Standardization of evidence-based attribution methods is essential to improve the value of healthcare.
Relationships Between Provider-Led Health Plans and Quality, Utilization, and Satisfaction
The results of the study demonstrate the potential of provider-led health plans to deliver high-quality care and patient satisfaction. The relationships between these plans and outcomes differed by plan size, nonprofit status, and region.
Adalimumab Persistence for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Veteran and Insured Cohorts
Veterans with inflammatory bowel disease taking adalimumab appear to be more likely to remain on the drug 1 year after initiation than patients who are privately insured.
Medicare Advantage Control of Postacute Costs: Perspectives From Stakeholders
This qualitative study examines the methods that Medicare Advantage plans use to control or reduce postacute spending and their associated unintended consequences.