Trends in Retail Clinic Use Among the Commercially Insured
Retail clinic use increased dramatically over 3 years, especially among young, healthy, higher income enrollees living close to retail clinics.
Patients' adherence to maintenance medications at retail pharmacy is slightly higher than those at mail order, presenting opportunities for pharmacists to provide quality care.
Persistence With Biologic Therapies in the Medicare Coverage Gap
For patients who reached the Medicare Part D coverage gap, discontinuation was more likely for patients taking osteoporosis medication.
Ethnic Differences in the Development of Albuminuria: The DISTANCE Study
Despite uniform access to medical care, Filipinos, blacks, and Asians with diabetes developed albuminuria at higher rates than whites.
Physician-Specific Variation in Medication Adherence Among Diabetes Patients
Physician-specific, aggregate patient medication adherence data vary significantly and provide an expanded focus for interventions to improve patient adherence to treatment.