Potential of Risk-Based Population Guidelines to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in a Large Integrated Health System
The authors evaluated the clinical applicability, accuracy, and implications of using an automated risk calculator and risk-based decision tool in an integrated health system.
Impact of MMRV Combination Vaccine on Childhood Vaccination Compliance
Although vaccination compliance increased slightly following use of combination MMRV instead of separate MMR and varicella vaccines, additional barriers to improved compliance warrant future evaluation.
Preventive Care and Health Behaviors Among Overweight/Obese Men in HMOs
Healthcare organizations may reduce weight-related health risks and disparities in care among overweight/obese patients through promoting cancer screening exams, healthier diets, and physical activity.
Correlates of Prostate-Specific Antigen Testing in a Large Multiethnic Cohort
Prostate-specific antigen screening was highest among African American men and those concerned about prostate cancer and lowest when physicians did not discuss the test.
Agreement Between Patient-reported Symptoms and Their Documentation in the Medical Record
Effective use of electronic medical record technology requires examination of the communication approaches of both care providers and patients.
Electronic Medical Records for Clinical Research: Application to the Identification of Heart Failure
The Impact of a Simulated Immunization Registry on Perceived Childhood Immunization Status