Dr Kirollos Hanna, PharmD, BCOS, BCOP, FACCC, is the director of pharmacy at Minnesota Oncology.
Embracing EOM, Enhancing Collaboration and Cost Management: Dr Kirollos Hanna
The design of the Enhancing Oncology Model (EOM) was a perfect fit for Minnesota Oncology.
Balancing Longevity, Quality, and Cost in Oncology Care
Kirollos Hanna, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP, FACCC, director of pharmacy at Minnesota Oncology, discusses how the prospect of patient longevity, amidst advancing therapeutics, factors into oncology care.
An Argument for Outpatient Bispecific Antibody Delivery: Dr Kirollos Hanna
Bispecific antibodies have altered the multiple myeloma (MM) treatment landscape, but some practices still lack enough familiarity with these therapeutics to deliver them in outpatient settings.